i don't know if this will work but watch the video first. if not It's in regards to the lack of protest by american students to avert a war on Iran. i agree with the idea of protesting what i see as an irational war on an innocent country. so what if they are exploring the possibilities of neuclear power and armaments? how far has the United States ventured into those fields? how many Hiroshima/Nagasaki like events could they cause?
the video Ze End of Ze World, posted eons ago, makes a joke that the US has the majority of the neuclear weapons currently avaiable. so why hasn't anyone tried to stop them?
anyway, here is my response to the comments on this video. most of witch were written by one idividual who has a rather disconcerting lack of grammatical skills.
the comments on this video are scaring me shitless. what say you if canadians suddenly made a meaningless remark about neuclear technology? like how depleated uranium can be used as one of the most deadly kind of armaments? or what if we decided not to sell our water? would you bomb us? wake up. 20 years ago, before Iran decided not to lick the united state's sweaty, STI infected ball sac, they were your best friend. what changed?
the american government's going after anyone who opposes their idealistic ideology of stupidity, uplifting oppression and fear mongering is in direct opposition of their "lets save the world from itself" mantra. leave the world alone. people are going to dislike and hate and kill and slaughter eachother for thousands of years yet, for irrational and unfounded reasons, and getting more american's dumb-asses involved isn't going to change anything except more bodies in the final count.
watch Loose Change.
then watch Zeitgeist
then watch Fox.
What is more terrifying to you?
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